The tent blew down

With two days remaining the Tent collapsed in strong winds
You can see the mangled mess of our beloved mission tent. Of course this is only the small one, but it is the only one we have in Africa at this time.
The strong winds bent poles and caused the tent to collapse. No one was hurt or injured in any way. God also gave us fine weather to follow with. This enabled us to carry on and do the mission in the open air. It didn’t even slow the spread of the gospel thankfully. We have much to be thankful for.
However, I ask you to join us in prayer. We want to be back preaching the gospel in Africa by the end of January. This will not stop the work.
Please pray that
- We will be able to fund repairs and modifications to the frame of this tent to make it strong and also safe.
- Please pray that our strong big top will be able to come to Africa ASAP, we need a letter to come from the government as well as funds to ship etc.
- Please pray that we will get either a platform or a truck that can be used as a platform. We could reach such large crowds with a truck that double as a preaching platform.
God is about His work!
He will do it!
Please stand in agreement with us for these needed tools.
In Jesus name Amen
Yours in Christ
Steve Pilkington