Prayer Evangelism and Equipping

Newsletter - 20th April 2022

operation hope - tent mission tents - apr 2022

This time next week we will be back in kenya! Wow God has done so much

Thanks so much for upholding us in your prayers.

We do really appreciate your prayers

This trip is going to be very different in many ways.

No big crusades or tent missions planned.
Our ministry will be church based in the form of revival meetings (as they are called in Africa).

Here is what we are going to Kenya to achieve and really ask your prayers for too!

I’ve added a challenging few words at the bottom which the Lord used to convict me today. I hope you don’t mind a challenge, if you disagree feel free to share.

operation hope - tent mission tents - apr 2022

Find and buy our big tent in Kenya

The Cardiff ministry have nearly paid for the big top and we just need to Lord to help us find a new one with our budget.
I believe within a couple of weeks we will finally have a big tent in Africa wow
Please pray that God clearly directs us to the best test for us! I feel a great responsibility with the money that people gave. But I know God has a plan. Thank you so much for praying!

operation hope - tent mission the tent at night - apr 2022

We need as a priority also to get a new structure for the broken tent, as well as to redesign it so it won’t break again. It seems like we won’t be using the original manufacturers too. So we need to find the best place to get the best work done. This small tent is really important to our vision, join with us and pray that we get it better than new and redeem what was destroyed and use it fully for Gods glory. Thank you for praying so much, this will be used so often for the gospel and could directly lead to a constant harvest even when I’m not in Africa.

operation hope - tent mission tents - apr 2022

Although God has helped us set up the Kenyan side of the charity really quickly. We still need to finish setting bank accounts etc.
We need to organise and train a team to run the practical side of this ministry in Africa. Gods people who will work with us every time we go, and possibly even when we don’t go. It is possible that this equipment could be used by other evangelists for a donation or hire cost. This would give our team income and establish them as well as pay for some future events. This is an idea we lay before the Lord at this stage. But either way the tent transportation and erection etc, all needs reliable people. Pray to God that He will give us the right people for every job to the glory of God.
As I’ve mentioned in previous publicity we are urgently seeking God for a vehicle. We need a lorry that can move the tent and equipment. It is my heart and vision to convert this to also do the job of an evangelism tool.
Additionally to this we have to get a suitable sound system so that everyone hears the gospel clearly. I know, it’s a big job! I regularly see this mountain ahead of us and think wow! But God is faithful to the last and will provide all of our needs for His glorious tasks.
When we go we will buy everything we can and then trust God for what is needed! Thank you so much as you stand in prayer for these things. The gospel is a free gift which we give freely.
Regarding the truck you can click the link below. The PA will be around £5000

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operation hope - the team in africa - apr 2022

Whenever we go to Africa, our heart is to minister the gospel in signs and wonders. We will be holding revival meetings in churches in the evenings, as much as possible.
This is a wonderful opportunity to stir up believers and pour into them from the eternal source of our wonderful God and Holy Spirit. I believe miracles will be a testament to what God is doing.
We really ask that you would stand with us in intercession and ask God to move in His power. Without Him we are nothing, yet through Him we can do all things. If God would so chose to move in great power it will not only bring people to Himself, heal, deliver and restore them. Also it will build this ministry in peoples hearts and increase the opportunity for future harvest. We are utterly dependent upon God. And He is able!

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Some challenging thoughts God shared with me today! What happens To a harvest field if no one goes to collect it?

operation hope - the harvest in africa ready for reaping - apr 2022

What happens to a harvest field if no one goes to collect it?
May I speak frankly?
Will you read till the end?

That which was ripe, that which had been planted, watered, tendered until perfectly ready for harvest and fruitfulness. Is completely wasted and cast into the fire.
Jesus compelled us to pray!

2 Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.

Luke 10:2 | NKJV

We are obliged as Christians to pray that God will raise up harvesters. As Bonnke said, some who will even go out with combine harvesters. But definitely people who will see the harvest and say I must go Lord, send me!
Is that you?
Then ask God to show you, your harvest field
Are you called to pray, then pray!
Ask God daily to raise up evangelists until none of that precious harvest is cast into the flames.
Consider what investment you might make in to this too, has God given you more than you require and could you re invest it in the cost of harvesting. The Gospel is free, but going and preaching it costs money!

We as the body of Christ should be either
- Going!
- Praying!
- Or paying!
- Or any combination of the above until the harvest is complete.

Jesus said he won’t return until the full number of the Gentiles are saved. (Romans 11:25)
He showed how much He cared on the cross and Wills that none would be lost. (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4)
What is your piece in all the this?
If you don’t know
Start praying

Thank you so much for being one of the faithful friends and prayer warriors who receive these updates. All our love Steve, Lisa and all our team at Operation Hope.




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