Posters and final itinerary - please pray we leave in one week!
God will do great things!

Publicity begins and preparations are well under way!
May I thank you sincerely for this most valuable help and support. John Wesley once said God does nothing, except through prayer. So we thank you and bless you. To pray for these missions is truly the greatest gift anyone can give. The Lord gave me a prophetic dream a few days ago, and to cut a long story short, God revealed the key when He revealed the people of prayer. Bless you all!
Publicity has already begun, you can see the posters above that will be placed on every lamppost and fence around the area. Banners are being printed and will be displayed in the streets over the main roads. The village elders and police commissioners have been informed and the local church is mobilised and excited, ready to go! They are doing a great job in preparation, both prayerful and practical.
I love the way they throw themselves 100% into every step, rejoicing over every soul which will be saved, and sick person who will be healed. In Eldoret, They’ve made uniforms and been practicing worship for some time.

Detailed Itinerary
Here are the dates and plans for the upcoming missions trip to Kenya. Please join us and pray for each stage if you can
24th November - Fly from Manchester to Nairobi, then on to Kisumu the following day. It takes around 24 hours and can be really exhausting so we have a 3 night stay in Kisumu to rest before meeting up with ministry partners. We will be engaging in a healing on the streets style street evangelism work whilst there.
Kisumu is one of the largest cities in Kenya and placed in the west of Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria.
27th November - Arrival in the city of Kakamega, home to our African director, Bishop Raphael Buluma.
We will be ministering in his church on the Sunday which is the largest church in Kakamega and can hold around 1500 people. Pray that God will equip and enable us to do His will.
29th November - Arrival in the village of Malava, close to Kakamega. Setting up the marquee for the first week of missions. We will stay with Bishop in his home as it’s close to Malava.
Pray for the preparations for this mission, including safe erecting of the tent, and security of the equipment. Let nothing become a blockage to souls being saved.
1st - 5th December - 5 Days of intense missions. The tent will be well used. Bishop has booked us a bigger field than originally planned as we are expecting God to do great things.
please pray that we will see great signs and wonders from the start, leading to many people coming to receive salvation.
Mornings will include street work and personal evangelism including healings. The afternoon/evenings will be in the tent with tent mission gospel meetings.
Last time we went near to Kakamega we saw many hundreds saved and now we will also be dedicating a new church too. God is good! The crusade is the launch and platform for starting a nee church in an area steeped in poverty and witchcraft. God always goes great signs and wonders as we step out in that way.
6th December - We arrive in Eldoret, the fourth largest city of Kenya and home to Pastor Simon Kibet, and Grace Nyairo, our ministry partners in this region.
7th - 12th December - 6 days of intense missions in the slums of Eldoret. Again we will be using the Operation Hope marquee which people helped buy last time we went.
Mornings will include street work and personal evangelism including healings. We will visit many homes presenting the gospel and praying for the sick. The afternoon/evenings will be in the tent with tent mission gospel meetings.
Please pray for wonderful signs and wonders from the start. This truly is Gods publicity and is marvellous for bringing many souls to the tent. Pray for many, many souls to come to know our precious Lord Jesus!
13th December - Travel back to base in Kakamega putting away all the equipment for the next time. Please pray that nothing is lost or broken and we can secure everything for our next mission in February.
14th December - Fly home to the UK, please pray for safe travels. Please pray for a blessed reunion with our patient families, who release us to go and pray over our every step.

Testimony of ongoing healing and lasting fruit!
This man is called Earnest, we led him to Jesus in our last mission. He couldn’t attend the crusade because he couldn’t walk unaided, and had severe breathing issues. He was healed as we prayed for him and he did attend the services.
Pastor Simon said to me today that he went back to see him, he walks all over the town each day, his healing continues to be a great source of blessing. He is looking forward to coming to join us in the next crusade too. Hallelujah!

To donate to this or any other mission of Operation Hope, you can either click the button above or give directly using the details below, or even via PayPal below.
We really appreciate you prayers and support. We rejoice in the shared harvest that will come. As the Lord said in the gospel of Matthew.
“He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. 41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.”
Matthew 10:40c-42 | NKJV
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