Targeted prayer and Specific words from God!
Malava Crusade 1st - 5th December 2021
Malava is renowned for it’s connection with witch doctors and traditional witch craft. Last time we went to Malava we faced strong opposition, and saw wonderful results. The weather closed in whenever we were due to preach. Once we preached in monsoon conditions with tarps over the equipment. Yet the people came in great numbers to hear the good news. We saw God do wonderful things and the church leaders were greatly encouraged. We boldly stood before them declaring that Jesus, the true living God had come to set them free from the hold of witch doctors. Many received this word and were set free.
Over recent weeks God has been challenging me to believe Him for more!
More numbers at the meetings!
More salvations!
More healings!
More more more!
I heard today that those praying and planning locally have received the theme from God.
34 Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him.
Mark 1:34 | NKJV
I see this as confirmation of all God is saying to me. We are going expecting great things from God. Please join us stand stand in the gap for the people of Malava. Intercede for them, and let us see Heaven populated and He’ll plundered.
The God who was with Reinhard Bonnke is the same God who is with us. We must believe Him to do all that He desires to do.
Every Blessing and sincerely thank you for praying with us, on behalf of Alex and Myself.
Your brothers
Steve Pilkington &
Alex Johnson
If you pray we know that God will answer and provide All that we need, spiritually and physically. If you are able and God stirs your heart, you can give towards the cost of this mission by clicking below.
Thank you for taking time to read these emails, thank you for being our prayer support as we step onto the front line, and seek to empty those stuck in the enemies camp!

If you would like to support the work our bank details are:
Bank name : Starling Bank
Account Name : Operation Hope
Sort Code : 608371
Account Number : 71120566
Or if you would like to support us via Paypal please click the link below: