God is so good!
Remember this precious family?
Naomi had a stroke and was paralysed down one side. She had been the same way for three years. She survived the huge initial stroke but after the initial progress she didn’t improve for 3 years.
After we prayed together God touched her, she received movement and feeling on the paralysed side. She could move her arm and leg and hold her head straight. The side of her body which was lifeless suddenly started to revive.
We are pleased to report that now she is up and about walking, giving praise to God!
We don’t always get to follow up on healings a year down the line. But we are thrilled to see Gods healing work continued and accelerates. He has done the impossible. Glory to God!
Other great news her son gave his life but was struggling with alcoholism, he is continuing to grow in the Lord and be reformed! He is enjoying being a loving father to his two children also.
Thank you Jesus!
And thank you to all you join with us in praying for these missions. We often see the crowds responding to an alter call. But it is also wonderful to see that each one is an individual whom God loves dearly.
Bless you all