Prayer Evangelism and Equipping

Newsletter - 13th July 2021

operation hope - god has done so so so much1 - july 2021

operation hope - god has done so so so much! - july 2021

A Lot Is Happening

operation hope - god has done so so so much! - july 2021

I tried to give it a few days without sending too many updates, but God is moving quickly!

Allow me to thank you for your prayers, they are working. God really wants to get this vision going quickly.

One of the main reasons for coming was to try to set up a charity in Kenya and find a way to ship our big top tent here without paying tens of thousands in taxes.
I was told it would be impossible and could take around six years. But God has given us His favour. We made contact with someone able to advise us.

He advised to form a charity by limited guarantee or CLG. This type of organisation pays no tax or duties in Kenya or for shipping. But it can take 3-6 years to get one. Our application has gone in, and the Lord will make sure it is fast tracked.

We are trusting to receive the certificate after 1 month maximum. Then we can write a letter to the ministry of finance requesting a letter of exemption from duties. Please continue to pray for zero spanners in the works. We are not there yet but we have a clear route that God will bless.

It looks very good. Gods grace and favour is on this.
This also means I will be classed as a director of a Kenyan Company. Which will entitle me to residency status in Kenya! Wow no more visas etc. I could apply for this for our workers too if needed.

Let us praise Jesus for all He is doing!
I can’t stress how unlikely and huge this miracle is!



The first ministry vehicle! Wow!

This trip the Lord showed me how desperate a need a vehicle is. We are so very limited without one. But I thank God so much He has done great things. We have had a donation to the ministry to buy a 4x4 vehicle which can fit 8 team members inside as well as pull a trailer with out equipment/small tent on the back.

We will need a lorry when the container arrives but I know God will also provide that too. I'm trusting we will pick our container up in Mombasa with our own lorry amen.

We collect our car tomorrow, let’s gives thanks to God for He is constantly surprising us with His goodness and mercy!


Pray with us for our own land please!

Although we going to rent the field I showed you previously, I believe God wants us to buy a plot of land as a permanent base for Operation Hope. This ministry will be able to own land soon and it gives us security. We can store lorry’s cars containers etc. We can build a base to house teams and offices etc. I had left this out but God is showing me to do it soon. Please stand with us for this need to and let us remind our Lord of His constant faithfulness. He continues to surprise us with His willingness to establish this ministry for the long term.


The tent meetings continue with huge Blessings

Andy and Lauren joined our team at the start of the first tent meetings and God has really blessed us!

We are about to start week two tomorrow but first let me give you a taste of the first week.
Let us give thanks to God, it was a small mission and it rained every day like a muddy day at Glastonbury. But the people came!
God gave 55 decisions and did many signs and wonders.


Saved from Suicide!

This precious lady in red had been to buy some poison and decided to try to kill herself.
She saw our tent mission and came in, the Lord rescued her and she gave her life to Jesus. She came to the front and gave testimony which caused so many celebrations. Only God turns mourning into Joy. Many others responded and the celebrations went on and on


Healed and Saved!

This lady came to the tent asking for salvation and healing. She walked with a terrible limp from a very painful knee. God healed her and she walked up and down the tent freely. She gave her life to Jesus! God is Great!


Healed and Saved at Home!

This man is Ernest. He couldn’t stand without his son holding him up. He had to walk with assistance. He was healed, gave his life to Jesus, and has been at the tent walking freely and praising Jesus. Thank you Jesus!


The deaf hear in Jesus Name!

Meet my new brother in Christ “Babu”
He came to the meeting completely deaf but as we prayed and spoke the name of Jesus into his ears he was healed. It seemed nothing happened at first but I was moved to speak the name of Jesus into his ears. There is power in the name of Jesus!
He then gave his life to Jesus!
He clung to his bible and danced before the Lord
Praise the Lord!


A new week begins!

As I write this in the back of a car travelling back from Nairobi, the tent is being erected in torrential rains for the second week of meetings.
Please pray for our team, for those precious serpents of God who make it all work through there sacrifice.
Please pray for Andy who continues to preach on his broken leg, which God heals more each day. Pray for the Girls who work with the kids, pray for the sick, put up posters, reach the lost and much more. Please remember me as I so need the anointing of God to flow and His Spirit to move. Nothing happens without it!
We really do value your prayers!
It is working more than you’d know!


We are building missions that you can be a part of!

Our post covid vision is to build a mission that takes gems regularly, 6 times a year.
Prayerfully consider joining with us when the time is right. We want to get as many people on the mission field as possible!


Pray for our route home!

Coming here in a pandemic was crazy! But God!
God clearly told us to come, He has evidenced it throughout. Now we are trusting Him to open a door for us to return.
Kenya is on the red list and it would cost a total of £5450 to bring the whole team into forced quarantine. We cannot and will not do it.
There is a review on Thursday please join us and pray God opens up a door. we may need to fly to an amber country, but I believe God has said we will get a breakthrough this week. I’m trusting - please keep praying.


God Bless you all so much, I appreciate your prayers and encouragement more than you know.

Steve Pilkington

click to learn more about partnering with operation hope and their kenyan tent missions



Credits: Nairobi Photo from Wikipedia licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, Airplane Photo Sky Sailing by Glen Jeffreys from FreeImages


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